A Strip of Film

A Strip of Film

SS 1/60, f3.0, ISO 1600

“Film is one of the three universal languages, the other two: mathematics and music”

– Frank Capra

34 thoughts on “A Strip of Film

  1. Your post is very nice; however it’s ill timed 😉 I bought a new digital SLR today and felt like I was missing something. Then I saw your post, and all of my print film (taking and darkroom) and 16mm film (taking and tangled while projecting) memories just came avalanching into my mind. 🙂

  2. Brings back the good days, not knowing what you captured until you developed the film. I still shoot 35-mm film, though not as often.

  3. Pingback: Monochrome Madness Week 5 | Leanne Cole PHOTOGRAPHY

    • Thanks so very much Robyn! I saw the post but haven’t had a chance yet to go through and look everyone’s work. I’m sure your image is fabulous too and I look forward to seeing it! Blessings, Robyn

  4. Pingback: Monochrome Madness Week 6 | Leanne Cole PHOTOGRAPHY

  5. Pingback: Monochrome Madness Week 7 | Leanne Cole PHOTOGRAPHY

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