“Itchy on the Fence”

Street Performers

Some depend on meager

Talents to get by, often

Rebuked, while

Everyone watches and

Everyone judges,

Thinking they’re soulless because they’re homeless.

copyright Robyn Graham

A couple of street entertainers in Portland, Oregon.

August, 2013

Itchy on the Fence

The inhale, literally a second after I asked if I could photograph him.

Itchy on the FenceThe exhale.

Itchy on the FenceFeeling great!

Itchy on the FencePerforming with his wife and fellow musician.

Itchy on the FenceThe wife creating music on a make-shift violin – a saw.

Itchy on the FenceFeeling the music.

Itchy on the FenceThe day’s wages.

Upon writing this post I do not know that the couple in the images is homeless.  However, while in Portland in August we did see a large number of homeless people, some of who were street performers.  The acrostic poem is dedicated to all those who, for whatever reason; choice, recklessness, drugs, alcohol, mental illness, etc. are homeless and trying to get by with the little money they make putting a smile on the face of a tourist or a local by using whatever hope and talent they have left.